Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Kale a super nutritious green food

Kale is a super, nutritious green food.

Curly purple kale - Carrie ©

That is one of the reasons why I grow kale in my organic garden.

This past summer I planted two varieties of kale - the curly purple kale and a long leaf green/blue kale. We enjoyed both but I do prefer the curly purple variety.

Kale is known to help protect the eyes as well as build and maintain healthy bones. It can be eaten raw or cooked.

To eat it raw, I either add it to my juicing along with other vegetables first thing in the morning, or I make dehydrated kale chips. It can be added to a salad or used to decorate a plate.

The dehydrated kale chips are a very viable substitute for regular chips, and provide a highly nutritious snack. They taste so good there's usually none left for another day.

I've posted a recipe for kale chips as well as several other ideas on how to serve kale, at Healthy living examiner.com

This summer I intend to try yet a third variety of kale - the curly green variety. Variety is the spice of life.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I Know a Horse Whisperer

The story behind this piece is about Mel and Irene, and the Percheron horses they rescue.

Pencil Crayon  by Carrie ©
Rescued Percherons - Pencil Crayon by Carrie ©

The Rush’s farm is a sanctuary for these large magnificent draft horses. There is little use for these horses in our day and age, and so they are often left unattended in the farmer's fields. Lack of care and attention results in a very powerful, wild and unmanageable animal.

Mel is a true horse whisperer. He rescues the Percherons from their ultimate demise, and takes on the challenge of taming these powerful beasts. With both patience and love they become useful and gentle creatures.

Each time I visit the Rush’s Percheron farm I have an opportunity to go for a sleigh ride drawn by two of these powerful work horses. The first time it was Silver and Dollar who were hitched to the sleigh.


That day Mel told me of the latest acquired young adult Percheron named Diamond. Diamond had spent his entire life out in some farmer’s field. He was wild and tough and full of fire. No one could touch him. Without attention his life would be a short one. With great difficulty they were able to catch him and have him transported to the Rush’s farm.

When I first saw Diamond, he was running free and wild in the fields at his new home. Mel stated that at this time, all attempts at getting near to the horse were futile. He had been with them for several months.

A year passed and I once again visit the farm. Mel had just hitched up two beautiful black Percherons to the sleigh and we were ready for another ride through the acres of snow and bush. He handed me the reins. I took them and felt the thrill of the ride in a whole new way.

Mel tells me that the horse on the left is Diamond.

Diamond and Silver
Diamond and Silver

Diamond! I was astonished. This horse was gentle and intelligent, attentive and eager to work and loving every minute of pulling the load behind him. Diamond had been transformed.

“How did you do it?” I asked.

Mel told me how they had finally lassoed Diamond and then wrapped the end of the rope around a significantly large tree trunk. (About a foot in diameter). Seemingly effortlessly, Diamond pulled the tree from it’s roots and dragged it around the field until he was exhausted.

Only then were they were able to bridle him and bring him to the barn. The battle of the wills had been won. Diamond’s natural gentle nature and love of companionship rose to the surface under the kind and expert hand of The Horse Whisperer, Mel.

I love that story.

my story and art sites http://nuggetsofgold.wordpress.com
